Number: use the number (not the key number) that is made
up of the department code and the 4-digit unit with course number.
Most department codes are three letters (e.g. BIO, ENG). The course
number is 3 digits preceded by the unit. An example of unit would
be U for undergraduate or G for graduate. Unlike the course schedule
guide, do not use spaces unless the department code has only two
letters (e.g. CS, CJ or IS)
Enter the amount of credit of the course
Use the grade field to see how your GPA will be affected
Enter the title of the course. An additional "What If"
tag will be added to the title for easy identification
You can add some text for yourself here, but it will not show on
the audit
Create Course button will generate the course in a separate
What-If course file. When running an audit, you must click on the
"Include What-If Courses" box in order to add these to
your registered and graded courses already in the audit. |