Course Title:
Network Analysis and Advanced Linear Programming
Course Description:
Considers concepts of advanced linear programming and network flows. Includes theory of the simplex method, the revised simplex algorithm using LU factorization, and simplex for bounded variables and primal-dual methods; methods for solving large-scale models such as Danzig-Wolfe decomposition, Bender’s partitioning, Lagrangian relaxation, and subgradient optimization; computational complexity and Karmarkar’s algorithm; minimum cost network flows, network simplex, and generalized and multicommodity network flow problems; and special types of network problems including the traveling salesman, routing, network location, and reliability problems.
Fall Offering:
Lab/Coreq 1:
Spring Offering:
Lab/Coreq 2:
Summer Offering:
Lab/Coreq Remarks:
Summer 1 Offering:
Prerequisite 1:
IEM G205
Summer 2 Offering:
Prerequisite 2:
Cross-Listed Course 1:
Prerequisite 3:
Cross-Listed Course 2:
Prerequisite 4:
Cross-Listed Course 3:
Prerequisite 5:
Cross-Listed Course 4:
Prerequisite Remarks:
Cross-Listed Course 5: