Course Title:
Linear Circuits
Course Description:
Introduces basic device and signal models and circuit laws. Covers independent and dependent sources and resistors, basic circuit analysis with resistive networks, techniques of node-voltage and mesh-current analysis, Thevenin and Norton theorems, and the ideal operational amplifier model. Discusses common signal models, including step functions, exponentials, and sinusoids. Introduces energy storage elements and studies first-order circuits with the solution of related differential equations. Presents the unilateral Laplace transform as a technique for solving differential equations with initial conditions that model linear circuit behavior. Introduces Laplace transform equivalent circuit models and s-domain circuit analysis, including pole/zero plots and network functions. Considers circuits in the sinusoidal steady state using phasor representation. Presents the mutual inductance and the ideal transformer. Concludes with various power calculations in the sinusoidal steady state.
Fall Offering:
Lab/Coreq 1:
ECE U401
Spring Offering:
Lab/Coreq 2:
Summer Offering:
Lab/Coreq Remarks:
Summer 1 Offering:
Prerequisite 1:
MTH U343
Summer 2 Offering:
Prerequisite 2:
PHY U155
Cross-Listed Course 1:
Prerequisite 3:
Cross-Listed Course 2:
Prerequisite 4:
Cross-Listed Course 3:
Prerequisite 5:
Cross-Listed Course 4:
Prerequisite Remarks:
Both courses may be taken concurrently.
Cross-Listed Course 5: