Course Title:
Von Neumann Algebras and Applications
Course Description:
Introduces von Neumann algebras and their applications to analysis, geometry, and topology. Topics include algebras of operators in a Hilbert space; uniform, strong, and weak topology in the algebra of bounded linear operators in a Hilbert space; von Neumann algebras, traces, and von Neumann dimensions; ideals in von Neumann algebras; factors and their classification; von Neumann algebras and traces associated with actions of discrete groups on manifolds; trace class operators and Hilbert-Schmidt operators; tensor products of von Neumann algebras and traces; analytic expression of traces; elliptic operators; pseudodifferential operators and their Schwartz kernels; uniform Sobolev spaces; index theory in von Neumann algebras and Atiyah L2 index theorem on covering manifolds; von Neumann Betti numbers and Euler characteristics; heat kernel invariants and spectra-near-zero invariants, their interpretation as near-cohomology and homotopy invariance; Witten deformation and semiclassical asymptotics on covering manifolds with applications to L2 Morse inequalities; and L2 Riemann-Roch theorem for elliptic operators.
Fall Offering:
Lab/Coreq 1:
Spring Offering:
Lab/Coreq 2:
Summer Offering:
Lab/Coreq Remarks:
Summer 1 Offering:
Prerequisite 1:
MTH G122
Summer 2 Offering:
Prerequisite 2:
MTH G301
Cross-Listed Course 1:
Prerequisite 3:
Cross-Listed Course 2:
Prerequisite 4:
Cross-Listed Course 3:
Prerequisite 5:
Cross-Listed Course 4:
Prerequisite Remarks:
Cross-Listed Course 5: