Course Title:
Course Description:
Defines and calculates thermodynamic properties such as energy, entropy, temperature, and pressure. Work and heat interactions are defined. The first and second laws of thermodynamics and concepts of thermodynamic equilibrium are introduced. Conservation of energy and mass and the entropy balance relation are discussed for open and closed systems. Irreversibility, energy, and the energy balance relation are introduced and applied in analyzing thermodynamic systems. Fundamentals of thermodynamics are used to model power generation and refrigeration systems. Covers thermodynamics of nonreacting gas mixtures with applications to air-water vapor mixtures for air-conditioning systems.
Fall Offering:
Lab/Coreq 1:
Spring Offering:
Lab/Coreq 2:
Summer Offering:
Lab/Coreq Remarks:
Summer 1 Offering:
Prerequisite 1:
MTH U341
Summer 2 Offering:
Prerequisite 2:
PHY U151
Cross-Listed Course 1:
Prerequisite 3:
Cross-Listed Course 2:
Prerequisite 4:
Cross-Listed Course 3:
Prerequisite 5:
Cross-Listed Course 4:
Prerequisite Remarks:
Cross-Listed Course 5: