Express Registration

The following form allows you to register for classes while your myNortheastern credentials are being processed. Once your myNortheastern credentials are available, you will be notified and able to utilize the self-service portal.
Please use this form if:
  • You are a new student looking to register for an undergraduate course for personal or professional enrichment.
  • You are a new undergraduate student looking to register for a course prior to completing the admissions process.
  • You are a current college student at an institution other than Northeastern looking to take a course to get ahead in your studies.

If you are an active returning student to the College of Professional Studies, you should click here to register online.

If you are interested in applying for a degree program, please click here to view the College of Professional Studies admissions policies.

If you are a new student interested in taking graduate classes (and have completed a minimum of a bachelor's degree), please visit Graduate Admissions.

If you are a student who has not taken a course at the College of Professional Studies for a year or more, please email

Student Information:

Have you ever been affiliated with Northeastern (former student, employee)*?
Yes No
Are you planning on applying for a degree/certificate program in the future?
Yes No
Are you a U.S. Citizen?*
Yes No
Country of Citizenship:
Are you a Permanent Resident?
Yes No
Will you need Northeastern University's assistance in securing/maintaining authorization to study in the United States?
Yes No
First Name*
Last Name*
Home Address*
Zip/Postal Code*
Home Phone*
Work Phone

or Social Security Number (new students only)
Former Zip Code:

Date of Birth*

The United States Office of Civil Rights respects that schools report enrollment by selected minority groups. This is to determine compliance with the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and continued eligibility of Northeastern University for federal funds such as student financial aid.

Are you Hispanic/Latino?
Yes No

Regardless of your answer to the prior question, you have the option of selecting one of the following races that best describes you:    


If you wish to register for courses, please choose the term you wish to register for:
Please enter the 5 digit CRN(s) (course reference numbers) below. Find the appropriate CRNs and view the current schedule using Course Search (new window).
An $11 (per term) Student Center Fee and a $18 (per term) Student Recreation Fee will also be charged to students taking courses on the Boston Campus.
More information.
I understand that I am registering for course(s) with the College of Professional Studies at Northeastern University. I agree that by registering for the above course(s) Northeastern University will send me an e-bill to my student e-mail account and I will be responsible for full payment. I also agree that I have reviewed and understand the College of Professional Students refund and withdrawal policies.